I have reached a turning point.
It has led to a time of quietness and being. And a shift in my attention and energy.
It came suddenly and unexpectedly in January. AND it makes sense that this more restful way of “being” is what I have been invited into, after last year’s deconstruction/reconstruction flood of expressing and feeling.
In case you want a short synopsis, the last few years of internal healing (mainly through IFS therapy) started with clearing my internal landscape of shrapnel, heavy burdens, and poisons (i.e. a lot of deconstruction and autonomy work). The landscape became a desert, which hosted a goddess, and grew a luscious, large tree of life. We (my parts and I) created an internal hospital for parts that were injured and needed time, rest, and care to heal. We found a source of warmth, presence, care, and connection inside that did not have over-reaching, anxious, caretaking energy. And we rested there.
This healing time of cocooning then naturally flowed into writing, creating, expressing, and sharing.
Now, I am finding myself more embodied, resting in the internal work I have done, and more present to the world around me.
I have started the clearing the landscape process with my home - apparently that's the way my healing process works. I've been decluttering and organizing my household for a few months now to make it more streamlined for my ADHD brain. Yesterday, during the eclipse (partial at my house), I started tilling the garden to unearth a crazy underground webbing of weeds, and I planted a mix of flowers and herbs in their place.
I am feeling this shift in the way I relate with you all as well.
I want to sit on rocking chairs, listen to the birds, look at the garden, and be together. I want to be in an oasis of meaning-making, imagining, supporting our nervous systems and energy, healing and thriving—all in the midst of a world in fight-and-annihilate mode.
Because I feel like a lot of this “work” needs to be done in conversation and community for me at present, I am going to be exploring a lot of these themes through (drum roll please!)....
My new podcast!
Who We Are & What We Need:
a podcast of self-trust, care, and activism for those who feel and care deeply
I would love for you to listen to the trailer and subscribe! I’ve been told the trailer has been really moving. I hope you feel held by the connection and soul-care. I have a few solo episodes that will be released very soon, and guest episodes to come in the near future!
If you want something else to listen to in the meantime, I am also now the cohost of the podcast Trauma and Pop Culture with Katherine Spearing! We look at trauma through the lens of books, shows, and other cultural goodies. (And yes our names rhyme!) Our first joint episode is about one of my personal faves, Lessons in Chemistry.
Trauma & Pop Culture: Lessons in Chemistry
Katherine Spearing does so much more than this one podcast, so after you listen, make sure to follow her on socials and get on her email list to see all the other amazing things she’s up to. @katherinespearing
And if you’re ready to learn more about who we are and what we need, I have a mini-series of emails coming out next week on that topic.
I have been working on this little series for a long time and I am so happy it’s time to share it with you.
Sign up here (or pass on to a friend)
Turning our attention:
With the call I am feeling to the larger unveiling and healing possible in our world, my writing and speaking will tend to be more focused on this than on religious deconstruction. That said, the mini-series above is pretty chock full of deconstruction and reconstruction goodness. If you want more on deconstruction and religious trauma after that and don't feel like you're getting enough through my writing, please let me know, and I'll connect you to some great resources (just click below to message me).
It seems fitting that I am sharing all of these things right after the solar eclipse - a lot of things I’ve been working on behind the scenes are being unveiled.
And the energy I feel behind the larger turning and unveiling in the world is what I’m tuning into in general these days. We are on a great adventure - we get to experience ourselves and each other with greater clarity. This is scary when there is a lot of fear, shame, and unprocessed trauma in your inner world, but also an invitation to clear it out like I have. It is also a relief for those of us who are exhausted from masking and trying to fit the mold of tame and normal. We get to return to and reclaim our true selves, hone in on the essence of ourselves and life around us, and reconnect with what matters and holds us together in life. It is a clarifying moment we live in, brimming full of possibility. Come join me for the adventure.
I think you're amazing,
Excited for what’s to come! Subscribe to your new podcast: check! 😃